Build in the open — 2022 April product workshop

1 min readMar 22, 2022


HackerPen is hosting an open product workshop in April, we had a lot of success from our March workshop session and want to continue doing it. As the same as our last session, we will limit the number of external guests we invite.

In this product workshop, we will go over HackerPen public roadmap for 2022 and share details on what we are building. We have updated our action methodology similar to Github’s, with the goal of building software as a business, and with transparency.

If you are relatively new to tech and want to learn more about how software is designed and built, this can be a good session for you.

If you have ideas on how to make HackerPen better, or if you are interested in what’s coming up for HackerPen, please join us!

You can sign up here:

